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Commercial Overflow Spa Pool Installation

Spa pool bathing in warm turbulent water benefits the body and mind, the transfer of heat from the water combined with the feeling of weightlessness all combine to aid physiological changes within the body, leaving the bather relaxed and revitalised.

The term commercial applies to any spa that is installed in commercial premises. This will include large public leisure centres, Fitness centres to beauty salons and hotel spas.

Commercial spas can be subdivided into two main types: light and heavy, as determined by bather load. As a result, each type of commercial spa installation will be specified with a relevant turnover period and required filtration rate. Every installation is unique, from varying needs to budget constraints.

Sauna-tech can design your spa, and give you the best possible advice from size and layout to plant room filtration, and chemical dosing systems. Post spa pool commissioning we always spend time with our clients to ensure the system is operated safely.

All our Commercial spas are designed and fitted with high quality filtration systems specifically with bather load in mind, to achieve high water quality availability for your clients.

Over Flow Spa pools are available in many sizes and shapes, as well as colour and finishes. The units can be fitted in- ground, partially in- ground or freestanding. Disabled access facilities and specialist lifts can be fitted.

Massage jets and air loop start can be client operated from poolside via electronic touchpad's and set to run for a timed period then followed by a rest period. The rest period ensures that the water has time to rest and the chemicals can stabilise for the next bathing period.

The key to success with Overflow spa pool installations is correct filtration and chemical control. To achieve this, all installations must be well planned, and provision made for filtration and equipment installation. The equipment is installed into a dedicated plant room area, so all services are available in one area. Staff can follow a scheduled maintenance system to ensure that the spa plant and equipment are in good working condition.

Chemical Dosing Systems

An Amperometric Control measures the actual 'free chlorine' level this system is easier for the operator to interpret and use.

Chemical control systems are designed with spa pool operation in mind. The chemical control system will measure chemical levels in the spa pool water and display the results. Then automatically inject the correct proportions of sanitizer and pH (acid/ alkali) into the spa pool water to maintain best bathing water conditions.

Sauna-tech utilise the Seko range of Chemical control and dosing systems and have over the past few years developed a good understanding of Spa pool chemical dosing requirements.

We recommend the PC95 instrument for measuring and setting the pH value, and Chlorine concentration. The System is by comparison easy to operate, with self calibration for free chlorine, with good readout visible at the instrument. Combined with Seko Excellent digital diaphragm pumps and accessories this system meets all the needs for Spa pool chemical dosing.

All Sauna-tech Spa Pool Installation follow:

  • SPATA Standards for Spa pools-Installation, chemicals and water treatment
  • PAWTAG Swimming pool water-treatment and quality standards

Commercial Overflow spa pools installations are all unique, and demand experience and planning. So if you have a project that needs our experience send us your ideas then we will work to make them a reality.

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